Monday, January 30, 2012

BLOG #14 - What Ever Happened to a Civil Tongue?

As the Florida primary approaches tomorrow (Jan. 31st) it appears that, once again, it is coming down to a close count between Romney and Gingrich.  And, the latest national poll shows that IF the election were today that there is only 1% difference between Obama and Romney. Interestingly this poll did not pit Newt against Obama. It seems that the "prevailing" wisdom by the republican establishment and the media is that it is all over but the election with Romney and Obama going head to head for the Oval Office and leader of the free world - if, in fact we, the United States, still holds this title!

But what really bothers me about Romney is what he said on FOX News this morning about Newt. He, Romney, continues to lie about Newt's so called "baggage". He referred to Newt's being kicked out of the Congress, how he was censured by the ethics committee of the House, and was fined $300,000 by the committee. These are all untrue. Newt completed his term as Speaker and did not run for reelection. He was never censured by the ethics committee as he was cleared of 83 of the 84 charges against him, and the 84th was a minor charge that was caused by his lawyer not responding adequately to the committee. The $300,000 that Newt paid was for legal charges that he incurred during the investigation. 

Unfortunately in our political process candidates are not prone to keep a civil tongue and to curb themselves or their Super PACs when they step over the line with false accusations. I am not letting Newt off the hook either, as I believe that he has done his share. However, I believe that Newt's involvement was more defensive than offensive. Yes I am still hoping for Newt to win the nomination and believe that he will be able to beat Obama NOT just in debates, but at the polling booth on the first Tuesday in November 2012. Newt IS a conservative as well as a Jeffersonian Constitutionalists.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

BLOG #13

In the heat of the run for the GOP nominee to defeat Obama we may be overlooking the most important element to guarantee that our great Nation can be returned to its rightful place in the 21st Century. This is the House and Senate races. In 2010 the effect of the TEA PARTY was felt with the return of the House to the Republican majority, but failing to take over the Senate. The important lesson in this 2010 turnaround proved that WE THE PEOPLE can, and will, take charge of our political lives once our backs or to the wall. In 2012, as important as it is to elect the RIGHT individual as President, it will do very little if WE THE PEOPLE do not completely change the face of the Congress. The nominee for President MUST make it his number 1 priority to promote those running for all seats in the House and those open in the Senate are true conservatives in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson's "limited federal government". If the Senate does not move more to the right it will be very difficult to scrap OmamaCare, create a balanced budget, change the tax structure, or reduce federal regulations that are making it impossible for this economy to turn around and create the millions of jobs needed. For my readers to understand what is going on in the Congress I urge you to purchase the book by Peter Schweizer entitled THROW THEM ALL OUT, How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich off Inside Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Prison. Mr. Schweizer is a conservative author and a research fellow at the Stanford Hoover Institute.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well, here we are three days into the NEW YEAR and the IOWA caucuses will be over late tonight - THANK GOD! But will we really known which of the six major candidates will be BEST and CAN defeat Obama in November?  I doubt it.

A friend of mine sent me the following URL:

which is a TEST prepared by USA TODAY that enable you to answer some KEY questions and relate them to which candidates agree with your answers. You most likely will be surprised at the results. I was very surprised at which candidate came closest to my answers as #1, since #2 was my personal choice and most likely continue to be. But the exercise is a very good one and I hope that each of my readers will take the TEST by clicking on the URL above.