Blogging is definitely new to me, but thought it would be a better way to communicate my thoughts, ideas and discussions of the three main areas of my interest, which are 1. To help you better understand the United States Constitution; 2, To help you understand the FAIR TAX ACT OF 2011; and 3. To encourage you to "think" NEWT as the next President of the United States. My "expertise" in item 1 is based on the face that I published a book in 2002 on the Constitution, spending two years on the research and the writing. The book's Part 1 may be read on my website: Part 2 of the book is in the "rewriting" phase since the issues facing the Nation in 2002 has to some extent changed. As for item 2 I have been an advocate of the Fair Tax method of reforming the current tax code for about eights years after I read THE FAIR TAX BOOK, by Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder (R-GA), On the last item, I have been a supported of Newt Gingrich since he was Speaker of the House and presented the CONTRACT FOR AMERICA IN 1994.
I hope that this will "catch-on" and you will benefit from reading my BLOG from time to time. For those who do not know me I suggest you go to my website and read the INTRODUCTION, which will give you background information on me. I am a Jeffersonian Conservative, with a firm belief in Limited Government, Limited Taxation and controlled government spending. I will be posting my BLOG several times each week. I look forward to your emails and interactions. Have a great day! Jim
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