Wednesday, December 7, 2011


   On Tuesday, December 6thm 2011, President Obama delivered an "Economic" address in the Great State of Kansas. Rather than an "economic" address, it should be called the "FAIR SHAKE" address, or better still the "DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH" address. As one commentator stated, this speech was the best "crafted" speech of Obama's presidency. It was clearly a misrepresentation of what America is all about. Our Founders only guaranteed  citizen the "OPPORTUNITY" to succeed in this life in order to "share" in the promise of LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! 
   How does one obtain this? It comes by HARD WORK, being a productive member of your community, by being HONEST and FAIR with your family, friends and all others, and by seeking an EDUCATION to prepare for the abilities you need to succeed. However, even if you do all of these things life may not deal you with a "winning hand".  But here is the other part of what our Founders gave us: It was a FREEDOM to believe in a CREATOR and seek help and guidance to overcome the setbacks of life. A government, a politician or anyone else can fully provide the inner "intestinal fortitude" to get back up and try try again.
   Our current economic situation is not just a fault of the Obama administration. This trend in "fairness for everyone" had its beginning mainly at the beginning of the 20th Century with the Progressive political movement partially started and encourage by Theodore Roosevelt. Progressiveness  is just another word for socialism. Socialism did not work for the Pilgrims when they came to America in the sixteen hundreds and it has NOT worked for all of the European countries who are facing dire economic bankrupt today. And, unless the PEOPLE rise up now, America will go in the same economy disaster.    

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