Tuesday, December 20, 2011

BLOG #  11 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

     As we close out 2011 and begin a new year there will be some new challenges. We are in the middle of an election year where we may be facing the biggest decision of our lives as we enter the General Election in November 2012. Will we end up with another four years of higher taxes, more government spending, increase deficits, and a debt that may well exceed $16 Trillion by election day. Of course, there is no guarantee that whichever republican is nominated and will replace the current president there will be anything different. We can only hope and pray that if there is a change that a new day will begin in the way the federal government is conducted.
       I recently read the the eight hour filibuster (it is also a book entitled THE SPEECH) by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont where he blamed everything on the greed of corporate America, as well as the republicans. For those who do not know the Senator, he is listed as an Independent, but admits that he is a Progressive, and his record shows that he votes mostly with the liberal left in the Senate. After reading the speech I sent him a letter and stated that he could help cure all his concerns with eight changes and amendments to our Constitution, which are all possible IF our representative were actually interested in Constitutional governmen, rather than being re-elect by bribing us with earmarks, stimulus and tax holidays that do zero to solve the unemployment problem. In the next BLOG I will share these eight changes with you. 
     Until next time, I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true and that 2012 will be the happiest ever.     

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


   On Tuesday, December 6thm 2011, President Obama delivered an "Economic" address in the Great State of Kansas. Rather than an "economic" address, it should be called the "FAIR SHAKE" address, or better still the "DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH" address. As one commentator stated, this speech was the best "crafted" speech of Obama's presidency. It was clearly a misrepresentation of what America is all about. Our Founders only guaranteed  citizen the "OPPORTUNITY" to succeed in this life in order to "share" in the promise of LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! 
   How does one obtain this? It comes by HARD WORK, being a productive member of your community, by being HONEST and FAIR with your family, friends and all others, and by seeking an EDUCATION to prepare for the abilities you need to succeed. However, even if you do all of these things life may not deal you with a "winning hand".  But here is the other part of what our Founders gave us: It was a FREEDOM to believe in a CREATOR and seek help and guidance to overcome the setbacks of life. A government, a politician or anyone else can fully provide the inner "intestinal fortitude" to get back up and try try again.
   Our current economic situation is not just a fault of the Obama administration. This trend in "fairness for everyone" had its beginning mainly at the beginning of the 20th Century with the Progressive political movement partially started and encourage by Theodore Roosevelt. Progressiveness  is just another word for socialism. Socialism did not work for the Pilgrims when they came to America in the sixteen hundreds and it has NOT worked for all of the European countries who are facing dire economic bankrupt today. And, unless the PEOPLE rise up now, America will go in the same economy disaster.    

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


      On a rainy Monday, Nov. 28th, in Charleston, SC, Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich spoke to a packed audience on the campus of the College of Charleston at Rep. Tim Scott's Townhall Meeting. Np matter what your personal opinion may be about Newt, you owe it to yourself to listen to this event. Jere is the URL that will take you to the video: 


     There is no secret that I am a avid supporter of the former Speaker winning the Republican Nomination to defeat Obama in 2012. In the most recent poll Newt garnered 45% of likely voters against 43% for Obama. This gap will continue to increase as more likely voters really listens to his approach to how America can regain it's leadership position around the world. His entire approach to the federal government is "COMMON SENSE", and a return to Constitution government. In this Townhall appearance in the Q&A session, he answers a number of excellent questions, especially about his recent stand on immigration control. As one who does NOT believe in amnesty, Newt's explanation of how he would handle this most pressing issue is one that I can support.  

     Just remember that when you go to the primary in your state that we need a President not a celebrity! He must be one that understands the Constitutional powers of the office, as well as those powers given to the legislative and judicial branches of our federal government. Newt does!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


   Well, the "CREAM" is finally raising to the TOP! At last the thinking Americas are beginning to see that former Speaker Newt Gingrich is either #1 or #2 in the National GOP Nomination Polls. As I pointed out in BLOG #6, the Speaker is without question the most capable individual to lead the United States out of the debacle that politicians from both political parties have permitted to happen.
   In selecting who our President will be in 2012 it is necessary to understand what the "powers" of this office are under our Constitution. Here they are (Article II, Section 2):
      1. The President is the "Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United Syayes, and the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States."
        2. He may "require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officers, in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Officies."

        3. Hew "shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
        4. He shall "have the Power by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur."
        5. He shall " nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court."
    The President also has a VETO power over all legislation sent to him by the Congress. THIS IS THE ONLY REAL POWER THAT THE PRESIDENT HAS.
     Newt Gingrich is the only candidate that has the necessary foreign policy experience, a thorough and correct understanding of the United States Constitution, a historian understanding of our history, a conservative's economic mind, and the ability to work with both sides of the aisle. He also understands how the Congress works and will not be bushwhacked by them. His so called "baggage" around his personal life is just that - personal, and has zero effect on his leadership. He will follow his 10 21st Century CONTRACT WITH AMERICA, and, given a conservative Congress will put our Nation back where it belongs as the World's Leader. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

BLOG #7 VETERANS DAY Friday Nov. 11th, 2011

    My wife and I live in a retirement community and on Veterans Day we will pause and remember all those Americans that have served in our Armed Forces since 1776, when our great Nation was born. I believe that it is especially fitting that we honor those American Heroes that serve in our Volunteer Military Service today. It matters not what you may believe about our involvement in the two conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. What matters is than our young men and women are over there in harms way.
     To bring your attention to these 21st Century American Heroes I would  like to suggest that you go on U-Tube and bring up a video by Lt. Col. Oliver North entitled:

Oliver North Speaks about Heroes in Iraq. 

      The story at the end of this video about a young Navy Corpsman will speak to the heart and souls of our troops. 

       I also believe that the families and love ones of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines be remembered in our prayers. Their sacrifice is just as large as those who serve. 

       So, take time on Friday, November 11th, 2011, at the 11th hour to attend some ceremony in your community to honor those who serve us here, safe, at home. I can assure you that your heart will be gladden by your remembrance. 


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Well, the GOP Western Debate in Las Vegas sponsored by CNN, has come and gone and it is my conclusion that "what happens in Las Vegas, (should stay) stays in Las Vegas! However, the "cream" is still raising to the top. There are now only two candidates that continues to offer substance in their candidacy - Speaker Newt Gingrich and  Businessman Herman Cain. Mr. Cain was attacked by every candidate except the Speaker for his 999 Tax Plan, which, in my humble opinion, means that it has a lot of merit. And the Speaker gave his usual sound and well thought out responses to the few questions directed to him. I do find it very frustrating that Gingrich does not speak more about his "21st Century CONTRACT WITH AMERICA. Here are the topics of his ten points, which you can download the full text @ http://www.newt.org: 
All of this in ONLY 26 pages and can be read and digested in half an hour. What I believe you will conclude is that his Contract is simply COMMON SENSE! And this is what we need in Washington, DC, and in every government from the Court House to the State House and to the three branches of the federal government. What say you?

Friday, October 14, 2011


This is taken from COMMON SENSE by Paul Jacobs that I would like to share:

I Gave at the IRS

A friend of mine shared something Desire Street Ministries had posted to Facebook:
We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.
Mother Teresa said that. It's not something you're likely to hear from the "Occupy Wall Street" protestors. From what I've heard, they tend to say that people are in poverty because of big, greedy corporations . . . or government not taking care of them. Mother Teresa was closer to a better explanation. After all, those of us eating and sleeping well weren't handed bread and a front door key by the government or a corporation.
A deeper poverty lurks behind persistent financial poverty. Sometimes the problem is neglect or abuse, drug addiction or alcoholism. Love can conquer all, but the Department of Social Services and the DEA don't dispense love very effectively.
My Facebook friend commented, "Non-profits do so much better of a job of helping the poor than big government can/will do."
Why is that? It isn't because social workers don't care. It's that government bureaucracies are ill-equipped to address individual needs, which go far beyond a bowl of soup and a bed or even a monthly check.
More training, regulations and new laws are hardly the solution.
We are the solution. But we won't be if we hand the task to government and declare "I gave at the IRS."
This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


There was an interesting piece in the Columbia SC THE STATE newspaper (October 9, 2011) by Kathleen Parker, Washington Post Writers Group, entitled PALIN SAYS NO -- FINALLY. Ms. Parker, known for her "perceptive, often witty columns", used her "wit" to ridicule Palin's dependence in relying  on God's guidance in the decision not to seek the GOP nomination for president. It would seem to me that seeking God's guidance on most any important issue (or unimportant for that matter), would be a good idea for anyone, especially a politician! 
Recently I wrote an OPED piece, which I sent to the Brevard NC The Transylvania Times (TTT),  entitled GOD, GOVERNMENT & POLITICIANS. This article pointed out how several of the candidates running for the GOP presidential nomination were being criticized for "wearing their faith on their sleeve." To my way of thinking this was a good thing and I will take this into account when I am considering who I will vote for. One who confesses his/her faith and beliefs and lives up to them, establishes his/her character. Palin and her husband Todd's decision priorities - God, family and country - as pointed out in Ms. Parker article, eems to be the way to go. What say you? 
By the way, the TTT has yet to publish my article. I think there has been a LOT of changes in their editorial policies since Publisher Stella Trapp has been incapacitated and unable to influence the "fair & balanced" policy in the past. I miss you Stella!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BLOG #3 - What IF?

After watching the Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP Debate last evening it occurred to me that, if it were constitutional feasible, wouldn't it be interesting to elect all eight contenders and let them appoint each office? Here would be my pick: For President Newt Gingrich, undoubtedly the most capable of the lot and with real solutions; Rick Santorium as Vice-President as there is no other place for him; Mitt Romney Secretary of State (to deal with China); Treasury Ron Paul (so he could straighten out the Federal Reserve); Herman Cain at Commerce (but will miss his 999 Plan as a prelude to the Fait Tax Act); at Justice would have to be Michele Bachmann (her experience as a Mom will be hel[ful there); Rick Perry at Energy (he will get the domestic oil pouring from Texas to Alaska); as for Jon Huntington I would suggest sending him back to Utah to help his brother run the famiuly business. Note that there is no mention for Defense. This is because there is no one in the eight for this position. My "outside" pick would be General David Petraeus and change the names, as George Washington did, to the War Department. I would also bring the CIA under the War Department. Note there is no Department of Education, Health, Housing or Welfare. This new government will let Amendment X take care of them by the States and the People!  Well this was a nice dream!

Monday, October 10, 2011

BLOG #2 - Words

Yesterday (Sunday, Oct. 9th) Sally and I attended Trenholm Road UMC with our daughter and son-in-law. After the service they took us to hear a special speaker, Warren Bolton, an Associate Editor of the Columbia, SC STATE Newspaper. Bolton, a black man of great faith, spoke about how "words" shapes not only our own lives but that of a Nation and world. He pointed out, as I am sure we all should know, that words can be positive or negative, gracious or hurtful, pleasant or hateful, and so on. This is especially true in thew political atmosphere going on today. Republican candidates are slashing each other, while doing the same to our current president. Certainly it is expected that there be an open discussion on the differences in ones opinions and how one candidate differs from another. But it goes too far when harsh words are used one against another. Campaigns should and must be run on a POSITIVE note, allowing the electorate to know and understands their views on the issues facing us today. One republican candidate is an example of how this is done. This is Newt Gingrich! He offers SOLUTIONS, and he has done this in his 21st Century Contract With America. He clearly outlines the ten issues that he will address upon being elected President. You can download this at ww.newt.com. I strongly recommend that you take the time to read it. Jim

This is my first BLOG

Blogging is definitely new to me, but thought it would be a better way to communicate my thoughts, ideas and discussions of the three main areas of my interest, which are 1. To help you better understand the United States Constitution; 2, To help you understand the FAIR TAX ACT OF 2011; and 3. To encourage you to "think" NEWT as the next President of the United States. My "expertise" in item 1 is based on the face that I published a book in 2002 on the Constitution, spending two years on the research  and the writing. The book's Part 1 may be read on my website: http://www.jamesbplair.com. Part 2 of the book is in the "rewriting" phase since the issues facing the Nation in 2002 has to some extent changed. As for item 2 I have been an advocate of the Fair Tax method of reforming the current tax code for about eights years after I read THE FAIR TAX BOOK, by Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder (R-GA), On the last item, I have been a supported of Newt Gingrich since he was Speaker of the House and presented the CONTRACT FOR AMERICA IN 1994.

I hope that this will "catch-on" and you will benefit from reading my BLOG from time to time. For those who do not know me I suggest you go to my website and read the INTRODUCTION, which will give you background information on me. I am a Jeffersonian Conservative, with a firm belief in Limited Government, Limited Taxation and controlled government spending. I will be posting my BLOG several times each week. I look forward to your emails and interactions. Have a great day! Jim