Monday, October 10, 2011

BLOG #2 - Words

Yesterday (Sunday, Oct. 9th) Sally and I attended Trenholm Road UMC with our daughter and son-in-law. After the service they took us to hear a special speaker, Warren Bolton, an Associate Editor of the Columbia, SC STATE Newspaper. Bolton, a black man of great faith, spoke about how "words" shapes not only our own lives but that of a Nation and world. He pointed out, as I am sure we all should know, that words can be positive or negative, gracious or hurtful, pleasant or hateful, and so on. This is especially true in thew political atmosphere going on today. Republican candidates are slashing each other, while doing the same to our current president. Certainly it is expected that there be an open discussion on the differences in ones opinions and how one candidate differs from another. But it goes too far when harsh words are used one against another. Campaigns should and must be run on a POSITIVE note, allowing the electorate to know and understands their views on the issues facing us today. One republican candidate is an example of how this is done. This is Newt Gingrich! He offers SOLUTIONS, and he has done this in his 21st Century Contract With America. He clearly outlines the ten issues that he will address upon being elected President. You can download this at I strongly recommend that you take the time to read it. Jim

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